Some drinksblogs are run by bartenders or ex-bartenders, but I haven’t been behind a bar other than 5 months in the early 90s. Some bloggers have the advantage of their young age and interact with the youth of this world. I’m 51 and only mix drinks for me, my wife and the occasional visitor in our home.
So I never could have imagined that more than 32000 people would follow my journey. I could never have imagined that distillers from all around the world would get in touch to have me test their products.
This year I decided to switch to English as the main language on all channels, to broaden the horizon. So far this seems to be the right decision. This year I hope to bring you more and maybe even better articles on drinks, spirits and visits to special drinksevents.
It has always been my mission to grow the interest for cocktails by the general public. Make them at home or enjoy them in quality bars. Double Strainger targets those families who already enjoy a nice Gin & Tonic before dinner, and want to push them to the next step… a delicious cocktail.
In these four years I have learned a lot. As a drinksblogger you constantly build your knowledge and train your palate. This adventure would be impossible without the continuous support from distillers, producers, distributors, P.R. agencies and bar owners. Thank you very much to make this possible !
The biggest advantage of this amazing adventure ? The many friendships I grew and the fantastic people I met in the global hospitality industry.
I had the incredible advantage to meet industry-icons like Antonio Flores and Richard Paterson, two of the very best blenders/distillers in the world.
I have also met founders of premium spirit brands like Fred Laing or Tom Bulleit.
I have spent time with top bartenders such as Salvatore Calabrese, Peter Dorelli, Luca Picchi, Marian Beke, Remy Savage and many more.
I have grown friendships with Belgian bartenders and bar owners like Jan, Hannah, Ran, Max, Jurgen, Stef, Didier, Kasper, Manuel and many more. I even got to meet chefs like Pepe, Nick, Syrco, Dominique, Bart, … people who have an incredible passion for taste and flavour.
Thank you for allowing me to stroll inside your industry. I hope to discover many more tastes and flavours and share them in my articles.
Disclaimer : All pictures and texts are copyrighted by Geert Conard and Esito Management & Communications unless stated otherwise in the article. While some items might have been gifted by the producer or distributor, these are in no way paid promotions or recommendations.
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