woensdag 15 december 2021

Xmas Gifts Parade 2021 - Carolans Irish Cream

Of course you can also have nice cocktails after dinner. Carolans Irish Cream is a fantastic base for such drinks. It works very good with coffee and/or cocoa flavours. 

Born in Ireland’s County Tipperary in 1978, Carolans takes its name from the legendary 17th century harpist, Turlough O’Carolan. Next to the regular Irish Cream, they also have bottles with salted caramel and Cold Brew editions. "The Dude" would love this.

Celtic Russian

30 ml Carolans Irish Cream
45 ml Filliers Vodka
22,5 ml Crème de cacao

Combine all ingredients in a shaker with lots of ice and give it a good shake. When it’s properly chilled, strain into your glass. Dust the drink with cocoa. 

Disclaimer: All pictures and texts are copyrighted by Geert Conard and Esito Management & Communications unless stated otherwise in the article. While some items might have been gifted by the producer or distributor, these are in no way paid promotions or recommendations.

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