dinsdag 27 augustus 2024

Ron Matusalem Foodpairing

Three years ago I had my first sip of Matusalem rum. Back then, I was invited to a webinar about a scientific study on foodpairing. The participants were asked to try it out, using the Matusalem bottles of Gran Reserva 15 and Insolito (until this day the only rosé rum I have ever seen or tasted).

So… I was very excited to be invited to a foodpairing lunch this week, matching even more Matusalem rum variations to dishes prepared by the seasoned chef of Sanzaru Restaurant in Brussels. 

After a crisp appetizer (Sea bream ceviche, leche del tigre with coconut milk and aji amarillo, topped with Imperial gold caviar and pickled red onion gel) matched with a punch based on the Gran Reserva 15, we sat down for a three-course meal. 

The Insolito was the perfect base for a cocktail (with celery tomato and walnut bitters), matching with the starter, smoked heirloom tomato, cockle juice, lovage sorbet and cucumber celery gel.

The Gran Reserva 15 (neat) was a perfect match for the main course with Veal Blanquette, fried sushi, caramelised sweetbread and passion fruit.

The Gran Reserva 23 married the dessert, peach illusion infused with Ron Matusalem 23, kalamansi, white chocolate, hazelnut and praliné ice cream. 

But when we all thought the event was almost over, we had a true Steve Jobs-style “there is just one more thing” moment… or should I say “one more delicious sip”. 

French wine casks were added to the Solera system to produce a limited edition of 2000 bottles: Gran Reserva Lefebre 23. 
Definitely one of the better ‘pousse-café’ drinks I have had this summer 😉 

Excellent "end of summer" event. Top quality easy-sipping rum... and it's always nice to reconnect with my friends in the industry. 

Disclaimer: All pictures and texts are copyrighted by Geert Conard and Esito Consulting unless stated otherwise in the article. While some items might have been gifted by the producer or distributor, these are in no way paid promotions or recommendations.