zaterdag 12 maart 2022

Cherry-T, powered by Engine Gin

It’s always great to see how a brand doesn’t stop by just picking a funky name for their product. If they do it right, they include a whole story or lifestyle. This week I received a small oil can with a new Italian gin, Engine.

Engine is a distilled gin by Master Distillers in the north-west of Italy. It’s made with 100% organic products: alcohol from wheat, juniper, Piedmont sage, lemon from the Amalfi coast, liquorice roots from Calabria, damask rose and water from the Alps.

I really love the way they link this gin to the world of car races all over their branding and marketing. When you mix a GT with this gin, it’s of course a Gin & Tonic, but also a referral to Gran Turismo. If you stir up a Negroni, the N also stand for NOS, the nitrous oxide systems made famous by the movie Fast and Furious

I decided to play along and opened the hood of our own Italian car, the iconic Fiat 500.


50 ml Engine Gin
12 ml Cherry syrup
30 ml Lime juice

Add the gin, syrup and juice to a shaker with lots of ice. Give it a good shake and dump it into a mason jar. Top with 7-Up lemonade. Garnish with a few wedges of lime. This drink isn’t supposed to look ‘too clean’ 😉

Disclaimer: All pictures and texts are copyrighted by Geert Conard and Esito Management & Communications unless stated otherwise in the article. While some items might have been gifted by the producer or distributor, these are in no way paid promotions or recommendations.

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