donderdag 13 juni 2024

A walk in the park

Most recipes on this blog are based on the old classic recipes, with a solid base of good quality spirit. During my workshops when sipping the first drink, I often get feedback that the drink is "pretty strong". A possible reason for that is the simple fact that lots of bars serve lighter drinks to increase their profit. The spirit is the most expensive ingredient after all. 

But, that said, on hot summer days we often really enjoy those lighter and easier-to-sip cocktails and longdrinks.

When I received a few samples of Garden Gin, I knew this would be perfect for such easy summer drinks. I created this variation on the 'English Garden'. Garden Gin is produced at the Bloempothoeve (translates as 'flower pot farm'), where they produce all the ingredients for their spirits and liqueurs: edible flowers, herbs and fruits. 

A walk in the park

50ml Garden Gin
15ml St-Germain liqueur
40ml Apple juice
10ml Lemon juice

I know some bartenders just build this drink in a glass and give it a quick stir, but since it contains citrus it should be shaken. I'll leave it up to you, just make sure it's really cold and you serve it in a tumbler with fresh ice. I garnished my drink with a leaf of my Cola-herb. This plant is part of the Artemisia abrotanum family (lemon herbs) and smells like Coca-Cola. 

Disclaimer: All pictures and texts are copyrighted by Geert Conard and Esito Consulting unless stated otherwise in the article. While some items might have been gifted by the producer or distributor, these are not paid promotions or recommendations.

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