
woensdag 7 oktober 2020

This is not a banana split (70s disco style cocktail)

I’m still not sure what it is exactly, but something in this Spytail Ginger rum reminds me of something I tasted during my teenage years. This inspired me to mix up a real tacky 70s disco-style drink. And you know what? I actually loved it. Think Saturday Night Fever, Beach Boys, Donna Summer... Shake that booty and have one of these.

The base for this drink is Spytail ginger Rum, but I’ve added some vodka to lift it up a little. I have split the banana liqueur (pun very much intended) to get this special result. 

This is not a banana split

40 ml Spytail Ginger Rum
10 ml Belvedere Vodka
20 ml Fresh lime juice
7,5 ml Giffard Banane du Brésil (Modern style banana liqueur with a hint of cognac)
7,5 ml Pisang Ambon (70s disco style banana liqueur, based on an old Indonesian recipe)
1 dash of chocolate bitters

Bring everything together in a shaker with lots of ice and shake it for at least 20 seconds. Double strain in the most ‘70s disco’ glass you own. Add a sticky cocktail cherry 😉 

Disclaimer : All pictures and texts are copyrighted by Geert Conard and Esito Management & Communications unless stated otherwise in the article. While some items might have been gifted by the producer or distributor, these are in no way paid promotions or recommendations.

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